Friday, February 27, 2009

Well, here goes

If you don't blog it's debatable whether you really exist at all - If Descartes was around today perhaps the famous saying would have been I blog therefore I am. So I thought I'd see if I could get in on the act and justify my existence.

As the title of the blog suggests, I'm not overly confident in either the quality or the longevity of this particular exercise, but hey, thats a lot like life in general so it doesn't mean it won't be worthwhile. The title is also a nod to the excellent work of my dear wife at another something. If you're looking for artistic skill and reliable frequent updates you should definitely look in her direction!

As to what you can expect on this blog - that's going to be a process of discovery for all of us. But at the moment I'm hoping to read a bit more this year and use this is a forum to reflect on my reading (currently The Rise of Evangelicalism by Mark A Noll and Instruments in the Redeemers Hands by Paul Tripp). I also plan to keep a diary of my training for the Gold Coast Marathon later in the year and no doubt other things will come to mind.

According to experienced bloggers I know, the key to a sustainable blog is to write your posts quickly and get them out there as soon as possible. So with that philosophy in mind, here endeth the first post


  1. where did you get the title of your blog? They ran a mission by this title at Newcastle Uni back in the early 90s...

  2. Yes, we also ran a mission by the same title when I was at the University of Queensland - maybe in 95? and I've always remembered it. I reckon it's a top description of life in a fallen world!
