Monday, April 6, 2009

New Congregational Database

Last week I indulged the computer nerd within and put together a new database for our congregation. Up until now we didn't have a proper database - just various lists of people in word documents. Now we have a proper database in openoffice 'base' which includes photos. I have also designed a report that will print out the data in exactly the right form for a church directory. This was quite a bit of work, but it means next years directory will be a breeze, and I will also be able to access the information easily in any form I want. No doubt there are all kinds of fancy church database programs out there. But if you want a free one I'm happy to share...


  1. I am thinking about using ooBase to create our photo directory. How is the print quality of the photos? Do you have a template available? We are just looking to do a simple directory cheaply. Most of the directory software is much more powerful than we need.

  2. Hi John,
    The print quality is fine for black and white printing. I haven't tried in colour. I think I have a template for an input form and then also, most importantly, a template for a report to print the directory. If you want the template end me an email - use the form at if you don't have my address
