Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Blogging Year One

Well it's almost the end of the year, and I thought I should sneak in a couple of more blog posts. Looking back over my first year of blogging I probably did more  than I thought I might, although obviously this has seriously fallen away in the last few months. Life has been busy and motivation has been low.

I haven't given up the aim of posting more regularly again next year. I think blogging is certainly a good way to have (slightly?) more disciplined thoughts on a whole range of subjects, and is a more useful way to use free time than watching TV, although not as relaxing for me either.

I look forward to some more useful discussions in the coming months.


  1. Hopefully all the conversations Simone, Kutz and I have this year that revolve around how good our blogs are will spur you on.

  2. Handy hint: follow Simone's lead and blog about any and everything even if it's only a one liner - writing begets writing. Don't worry if your thoughts and one-liners are not as profound as you'd like - you don't have to publish everything you write but you do need to write.
