Friday, January 22, 2010

Graphic for Acts 13-28 Series

Here's a draft copy of some publicity for my Acts 13-28 series (hence the watermarks). Not completely convinced about the graphic though. Any thoughts?


  1. If yes: It's great.
    If no: I don't know about the font.

    The picture is nice and supports the concept. And I assume the design is meant to look like a road sign.

  2. You can be the Townsville office of Scots for the next few days if you like.

    Shouldn't those comments be the other way round? Better to be more critical than from inside than from outside.

    Anyway I think I stretched the font somehow, so I will take another look. Thanks.

  3. You people and fonts!

    I like the picture.

  4. 11th commandment, helen. Thou shalt font well!

    I think it's the capital letters in the heading that are causing trouble.

  5. "Shouldn't those comments be the other way round? Better to be more critical than from inside than from outside."

    Being critical before I'm on staff won't affect whether I pass or fail my placement... I like the new one heaps better.

  6. Well as long as you like it then - we should be able to arrange a pass...
