Thursday, August 6, 2009


Recently discovered the chess game on our new computer. I haven't really played much before, and basically I'm getting thrashed. Even the two times I've had the opposition down to just their king they have somehow managed to get stalemate - Aargh. Still, it is certainly a good mental workout.


  1. See, this is why I don't play chess against Ian - I get thrashed enough by life - why would I want to add more torture with chess?

  2. Have you seen the Kenny's chess books? I used to think I was a reasonable player, but I'm not even a pretender at that level, never mind a contender...

  3. Level 3 on the window's vista chess game is about my limit. Although maybe a book would give me some small idea what I am doing.

  4. I'd love to have a game of chess against you two gents, but I'm really not sure who would be the chump and who'd be the champ!
