Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I think I have an ISFJ (Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging) personality type (according to the Myers Briggs test), although the first time I did the questionnaire I came out as ISFP. However the description of the ISFP (a 'composer') definitely doesn't match me, but ISFJ seems pretty close to the mark. I'm not really happy about being an ISFJ, but then apparently ISFJ personality types have a tendency to be overly critical of themselves - so I guess that confirms it. Damn.


  1. Would you be so keen to box yourself into one of only 16 stereotypes if you knew that the Myer-Briggs test is based on Carl Jung's philosophy and that was taken from Babylonian astrology? And that Jung was into talking to demons?

    We got rid of our M-B stuff when we found that out.

  2. i'm not too worried about the jungian foundations for M-B stuff. I think the insights into how each type tends to connect their internal and external worlds can be pretty helpful. i tend to reflect on where the insights might ring true and not be too deterministic with every point. maybe its because I'm an ENFP. i found the personal growth bit on the website worthwhile.

  3. The Hermann Brain Development Institute stuff is interesting too - doesn't lock people into particular categories so much as just highlighting where different strengths and weaknesses are. So you could come out as an average jack-of-all-trades (like I did) or you could just as easily be very strong in one area but weaker in all the others (like most of my colleagues).

  4. Laetitia - I think before I was going to chuck out the Myers-Briggs stuff I would need to see exactly where Jung's philosophy had influenced it in unhelpful ways. In general I think we're free to use people's observations about creation even if they don't hold Christian presuppositions themselves.
    Chris- Agree it's interesting to think about rather than something I'd go to the stake about.
    Dave- I'll check that Hermann Brain institute- never heard of it before, but I assume it's on the web.
